If you've had an iPhone for a while, you probably already know about Words With Friends. It is very similar to Scrabble and you can play others online, with up to 20 simultaneous games supported. Well, it is now available for Android as well! So now Android and iPhone users can play against each other also.
There is another game called WordFeud on Android that is supposed to be pretty much the same thing, but now that Words With Friends is out and since we never tried WordFeud, we decided to just stick with the new one. It is quite fun, but I think it definitely requires a lot of time and concentration.
A few people from work had a few games going the other day and they just play a turn when they're on lunch or break or something, so those games can go quite a while but it is fun. And I'm thinking it's probably good to stimulate your brain a bit in between playing games like Angry Birds or a new one I grabbed yesterday, Stupid Zombies (ios - android).
If you want to get a game going, my login is dudeman135. I don't guarantee I'll respond quickly all the time, but if you're looking to play a newbie...bring it on!
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1 year ago
Its a great game..Just like me I get addicted with the game words with friends..I always play that on my phone during my past time. Instead of watching TV..I use the ANAGRAMMER to give me hint in times I'm having trouble.
Words with friends cheat
I LOOOOVE this game, it is easily my favorite iPhone game. I also am a Huge fan of Hangin’ with Friends, another extremely addictive games. I also use the ANAGRAMMER to give me more hints..
Words with friends cheat
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