If you're looking for cases or screen protectors for the iPhone 5, we have some winners for you to check out. The items shown here have great reviews, work exactly as advertised and are inexpensive as well!
The key is to get a case that will not only protect your phone, but provide a certain amount of grip, will complement the looks of the phone and be inexpensive. This one fits all of those criteria.
You want a case that protrudes from the front enough that it should actually protect the screen and so that you could also lay the phone down on it's front without fear of scratching. This one does exactly that.
In addition, as mentioned in the reviews, the case does have a slight rubbery feel to it, but it is not enough to turn your pocket inside out when you pull it out.
The iPhone 5 is definitely a very smooth/slick phone and it nearly slid off my lap onto the hard tile floor less than 24 hours after we got them, so I would highly recommend making sure you get a case prior to or very shortly after getting your new phone.

We ordered both a frost clear soft case for myself and of course the hot pink case is for the wifey. The clear case does a great job of complementing the look of the white iPhone. For the black phone I would go with the smoked case. They also have several other colors to choose from.
The cases arrived in just 3 days via regular US mail. They fit well and are exactly what I was hoping for!
As far as screen protectors go, the iSmooth screen protector got some great reviews as well. The description page says that you get 3 in the package, but they actually send you an email saying they include an extra one just in case you screw up. If you're like me, you will probably need spares, because I've never gotten a screen protector to go on right the first time and I can't stand bubbles on the screen. If it's not nearly perfect, I'll try again.
Both are great products and must have items to protect that shiny new iPhone 5!
Here are some pictures of the cases in action on our phones:

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