Below is a review I wrote on Amazon last night of the headphones I just bought on the left, Sennheiser MX85 Sport Series II, hoping they would be great for running like most reviews said they were. Turns out, not so much for me, but they work well for the wifey so that's good. The Sony MDR-AS20J ones on the right that she was using before, work great for me, so it all worked out in the end. They sound great and they didn't move once on my jog today. If you're looking for jogging/workout headphones, perhaps one of these will be a good fit for you!
3.0 out of 5 stars Not For Everyone, April 25, 2011
I felt inclined to write this review because of all the great reviews saying to look no further, these are the headphones you're looking for. These headphones are not for everyone. Unfortunately, they are not for me. I tried all of the different rubber pieces on the top nub, twisted them to try and lock them in place and affixed the clip to my collar and under even slow jogging they do not stay in place. However, that says nothing about the quality of the product, just that people have different ear shapes/sizes and mine must be somewhat abnormal. When the headphones are tight, the sound is good, but the bass is a little light. An equalizer on your music player will generally solve that issue. Fortunately, my wife likes them and they do stay tighter in her ears, so all is not lost. And on the plus side, I am now using the headphones she was using and they work great! The bass is also lighter than I prefer, but the EQ on my MP3 player fixes that. If you find the featured headphones do not work well for you, perhaps these will Sony MDR-AS20J Active Style Headphones with Soft Loop Hangers (Black). Hope that helps.
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